NIGHT CAVE (Natural Sleep Formula)
Many of you have told us about your struggles falling asleep, so the Wilaya Wellness family has carefully prepared an effective and potent NATURAL SLEEP AID for you to take every night before falling asleep.
Take 1-2 capsules 30-60 minutes before bedtime.
Our Wilaya blend consists of Magnesium Bis-Glycinate, Valerian Root, St. John’s Wort and Hops. All ingredients are certified organic and have went through multiple rounds of testing for efficacy.
Treats insomnia
Relaxes the mind and body
Reduces symptoms of anxiety/depression
Can help reduce ADHD symptoms/ mood swings
Promotes bone health
May help with migraines/headaches at night
I use to take melatonin regularly but when I would wake up in the AM I would still feel restless, achy and still tired, I started Night Cave because of the ingredients and good reviews and have to say it really works. !!!
NIGHT CAVE (Natural Sleep Formula)
Honestly, I was thinking to write a feedback about night cave.
I've been having major problems for the past 1 year or so because of a car accident that changed my whole life physically and mentally/emotionally. I wasn't able to sleep more than 6 hours and I would wake up few times even during those 6 hours.
I've been taking night cave few times, so not even every night. But I've been able to sleep for a continuous 7-8 hours and even if I wake up, it would only be once and I'm able to fall back asleep fast.
I'm very grateful I came across this Honestly I love it.
And although you didn't ask about the energy one but I'll add the feedback here!
I'm able to hit the gym again!! I would take it and think that I need a nap but honestly my body pushes me to go work out and ignore those voices that just wants me to be lazy!
I don't know if it's the ingredients or the wilaya of Imam Ali. But they're all helping!!
Thank you♡⚘️
Great products, gives me a boost of energy, would highly recommend to others.
I’ve suffered from insomnia in the past, lasting 1+ year at a time. It’s gotten a lot better in the last few months but I still struggled with falling sleep…could take up to hours. I’ve noticed that every time I take my night cave, I fall asleep MUCH faster. I don’t even remember falling asleep when I’ve woken up in the mornings which is usually a sign it happened fast enough that I didn’t think about it. Before, I’d remember every detail because I would be up so long trying to fall asleep. Anyway, for someone who has tried a lot of methods for better sleep, night cave is at the top of my list.