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Bill 21 & Islamophobia

Unfortunately, the proliferation of Islamophobia has led to an increasing number of violent attacks and hate crimes against Muslims. Many politicians pay lip service to Muslim support but contradict themselves through either expressly advocating for or remaining indifferent to policies and actions that exacerbate Islamophobia. In such regard, Canada, the United States, and Europe are no exception.

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Islamic Medicine: Part 2

The body is similar to the earth. It is fertile, but it can be a wasteland as well. If you cultivate it, water it without drowning it, and do not neglect any part of it, it will remain fertile, well irrigated, and lush, and will produce bountiful harvests and crops. But if it is neglected, it will perish and weeds will appear. The same is true for the body; monitoring and taking care of what you eat and drink will contribute to sound health and wellbeing.

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Islamic Medicine

Like all traditional forms of medicine, Islamic medicine is holistic and provides various therapeutic means to healing such as dhikr (remembrance of God through repetition of His Name and Attributes), prayers, dietary adjustments, aroma and herbal therapy. This wholeness stems from Islam’s cosmic vision of creation in which all creatures are closely linked.

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Palestine is bleeding. The current uprising started to take hold after the brutal assault by the Zionist regime on Muslims worshipping at Masjid Al-Aqsa in the sacred city of Al-Quds on the holy night of Laylatul Qadr; however, the real catastrophe, or “Nakba”, began 73 years ago. That was when Palestine was invaded and bit by bit was confiscated by colonist aggressors to the point where their autonomy is now reduced to a 2 square km strip of land known as Gaza.

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